1. What is your feature/integration request?
Better support for webhooks, specifically Smartsheet
2. What problem would this feature/integration solve?
It looks like Smartsheet is expecting Parabola to send this type of verification response:
HTTP status: 200 OK
Smartsheet-Hook-Response: d78dd1d3-01ce-4481-81de-92b4f3aa5ab1
"smartsheetHookResponse": "d78dd1d3-01ce-4481-81de-92b4f3aa5ab1"
Currently, Parabola can only send back this response to a POST request when a flow is sucessfully triggered.
HTTP status: 200 OK
"data": {
3. How do you solve/workaround this problem today?
At the moment, there’s no resolution except for hitting the Parabola callback URL manually to trigger the workflow. To run the workflow on a schedule would be wasteful and costly, as it only needs to run periodically when there’s a change in a Smartsheet sheet column.