Would like the Google Sheet import and export to work also on google sheets stored in a team drive.
What problem would this feature/integration solve?
Google team drive is really used by companies to share docs and have collaborative editing. Not being able to use these is really limiting the scope to which parabola can be used.
I agree that being able to access shared/team drives for the Google integration would add a lot of value.
The reason I am syncing certain data to a sheet in Google Drive is to allow access to certain data set for team members.
Right now the workaround is to continue to use ‘My Drive’ and then share the Sheet from My Drive to team members individually.
We’ve released support for all drives in the Google Sheets steps. That means any file that your Google account has access to, even if it is in a shared or team drive, will show up in your list of files to select from.
We will be updating the Send to Google Sheets next week to allow you to create new files in shared drives when exporting. For now, that functionality can only create files in your personal drive.
You may need to refresh your step to see the new files pulled in!
We were able to release an update late last year on our Google Sheets steps. This will allow you to import, create and update any file that your Google account has access to!
Feel free to let us know at help@parabola.io if you’re seeing otherwise so we can help troubleshoot the issue.