Is it possible to use the API Export for Squarespace orders and only pull in the most recent orders? Currently we are appending to the orders, and it’s pulling in all of the old orders as well.
Hey Asher, I assume you are talking about using the API Import to pull in orders? You should be able to limit the number of pages that are being pulled in, so that it only pulls in the most recent 250 orders or 500 orders or something like that - would that work?
You can also use a Date Comparison step followed by a Row Filter to filter that data set down to orders from a certain day.
Another option is to use a List Contains step to compare the orders you imported with the data that it will be appended to, and only keep the orders that do not exist in that other list.
Thanks! I’ll give that a try.
How can we pull data from squarespace for a specific time period?
Because for me to run a monthly sales report, it looks like the flow will keep extracting all historical data when it starts running.
i have historical data from previous unrelated periods, it would therefore increase the number of rows to process and incur unnecessary extra credits. [Scenario: if a parabola user have historical numbers from previous years causing with order/rows more than 500+ they will be paying credits for each run. ]
How do we avoid this?
Hi @Jessica_Liang,
Taking a look at their documentation, it seems you can add dates as query parameters within the endpoint URL. This should return a list of orders that were modified after and before a certain date.
Swap out your specific date range in place of these values during your API Import step. Your endpoint URL would look something like this:
Let me know if that works!