Connect to your Shopify store with our new Shopify integration! We’ve already seen our Shopify users create some pretty incredible automations with this integration.
The integration comes with two steps:
Pull from Shopify
Send to Shopify
Pull from Shopify
Using the Pull from Shopify step, you can pull in the following data:
A list of your shop customers
A list of your orders
Your shop balance
A list of the locations associated with your shop
A list of shop disputes
Your product inventory levels per location
A list of the line items sold for each order, with refunds and fulfillment included
A list of discounts that have been applied to your orders
A list of shipping lines for each order
A list of shop payouts
A list of product variants
A list of the product-collection relationships
A list of all custom product collections
Once you select which option you’d like, to use, you can further refine your pull with filters and date ranges.
What about creating and updating products themselves? I’d like to maintain the Shopify catalogue by syncing a segment of the larger catalogue in our MySQL database.
That one is not available yet, but its second on our list of functionality to add to the Send to Shopify step. Thanks for including some details about your use case - I’ll shoot you an email / follow up here if I have more questions.
The reason it is not supported now, is that products are pretty complicated in their API, and we haven’t solidified how we want to support them in Parabola.
In the interim, you could use a Send to API step to directly send updates and creations to the Shopify API. Let me know if you need any help setting that up!
just new to parabola, and trying to pull products with variations.
it works fine, but the columns [option (x) name] are missing and the column [variant option title] duplicates [variant option 1] value.
is there something wrong, or I’m missing something
We do not pull in the option name as you might expect when exporting your products directly from Shopify. What’s your specific use case for needing the option name?
If you have only one variant option, the title and value will be the same. Otherwise, the Variants: Title column appends each option value.
Using the Send to an API step is the best way to create and update products in Shopify.
The good news is our engineering team is actively implementing these features into the Send to Shopify step. We’ll be sure to let you know once it’s available.
In the meantime, that thread should help get you started creating and updating products in Shopify. If you need help setting configuring that step, please don’t hesitate to reach out!