Parabola not updating data from Webflow


I’m trying to pull ecommerce data from Webflow manually via the “Pull from an API” step. This initially seemed to work, as it was pulling in a custom field with the name “mini image”. However, after changing the name in the Webflow CMS & adding a few additional custom fields to products, this data is no longer being pulled & updated despite clicking “refresh data” numerous times. I’ve tried logging out, clearing my cache, everything. Are there any ideas as to what’s causing this? It seems that Parabola isn’t truly refreshing data on each click, or that there is something internally wrong with Parabola’s system. Or, maybe this is an issue with Webflow’s API?


Well, within 20 minutes I already found a solution to this problem. I’m not sure if this is Webflow-side or Parabola-side, but there must be at least 1 product/cms item that populates this schema field in order for it to pull.

For example, if you add a new custom field called “mini image” to your product schema, there must be at least 1 product that has a “dummy” image set. If no dummy image is set, this schema field will not be pulled.

This still seems a bit odd, but it works.