Oauth2.0 - PerfectGym API

Sorry for the beginner question… have been trying to figure this out all evening but am stumped.

I am trying to get API access to my PerfectGym account. https://developer.perfectgym.com/api/overview/authentication/

I am trying to use these instructions - https://learn.parabola.io/docs/how-to-connect-to-an-api-with-oauth-2-authentication

I can’t quite figure out what is the auth URL, token URL and refresh URL.
Could someone please help? Thanks!!

Hey Rhys!

Certainly not a beginner question - OAuth is not easy or simple.

Looks like that API will not work because it uses the grant_type of password. Parabola only supports the Authorization Code grant_type.

Thanks Brian.

Does that mean I can’t use Parabola for this application? Or is there another way I can connect?


Unfortunately that is correct! They do not seem to offer another way to authenticate, so you will not be able to use Parabola to connect directly to this service. If you can download data from the service as a CSV, you could upload that to Parabola, but you would need to do that manually each time.