I have a number of columns in a table that have various numerical values. Some rows are blank in certain columns. I would like to find the total number of non-null rows in each column. Is there a way to easily do this without having to create a separate step to isolate each column individually?
Hi @Emery_Wager
Currently counting the number of non-null rows in each column is support in Parabola Tables by selecting the Count Not Empty
If you’re looking to use the count of the non-null rows within your Flow, you’'ll need to create a separate step for the columns. Configuring an If/Else column like below can also work to count non-null values:
After configuring the If/Else Column, you can use one Sum by group step, then stack those values back to the input:
If you have additional questions on setting up your Flow, feel free to send us your Flow Link to help@parabola.io so we can take a further look.
Hope that helps!
Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it.