A new an improved way to Filter Rows!

Hey all!

We’ve made two new updates to the Filter Rows step that we think we add even more power to your flows.

Add multiple criteria to single filter

In the past, if you had a large list of criteria that you had to filter against, such as email domains to remove, you needed to add an individual rule for each criteria.

Now, the contains, not contains, is equal to, and is not equal to filter operations will accept multiple criteria fields.

Use merge tags in a filter criteria

Previously, when you needed to compare one column to another, and the filter based on that comparison, you would use an Insert If Else Column step to perform the comparison, followed by a Filter Rows step to then filter based on that comparison (also creating an extra temporary column in the process).

Now, the Filter Rows step will accept merge tags. Enter any column name, wrapped in {curly braces}, to compare columns inside of a filter.


We hope these changes will help super charge your flows!


This is an absolutely amazing improvement to filters :partying_face:


Can the filter rows be used to compare and filter column data from 2 separate tables?

Hi @Mark_Berry - The Filter rows step can only work with one input at a time. It sounds like our Find overlap step may be what you’re looking for instead. It can be used to find matching data between two tables.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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