Sure thing!
Step 1
Make a request to your API using the “Enrich with an API” step. Your first row will likely contain a JSON blob in a cell. Copy it to your clipboard.
"object": {
"a": "b",
"c": "d",
"e": "f"
"array": [
"string": "Hello World"
Step 2
Disconnect the “Enrich with an API” step. Add an “Insert text column” step. Give your new column a name (I recommend using the same name returned from the API), and paste that JSON blob into the Column value
Step 3
Use the Expand JSON step to parse your data.
You can now continue to process your data while building your flow. When you’re ready to publish your flow, connect the “Enrich with an API” step and remove the “Insert text column” step.
Let me know if that helps!