Send to Salesforce - Unable to create Salesforce bulk jobs

Hi all,

We are using the “Send to Salesforce” Node in multiple scenarios.

We are now receiving daily errors “Unable to create Salesforce bulk jobs: PollingTimeout: Polling time out. Job Id = xxx , batch Id = xxx”
(For Parabola support. see Issue ID: d1002404-8056-411e-9d0c-fa76f03a26e4)

Is the node using the (newer) Salesforce Bulk API 2.0? If not, is that planned?

Happy Thanksgiving and Best Regards,

Hi @Matthias_Kampmann - I’m sorry to hear that you’re running into that error when trying to run your Flows. Could you please reach out to and send us the links to the Flows where you are seeing this happen so we can take a closer look at what is causing those errors?