I accidentally deleted a flow (thinking I was deleting the draft) and I don’t see a trash or other place in order to recover it. I spent a lot of time building this flow and don’t want to have to re-do the work. Is there a way to recover it? Thanks!
Hi @Danny_Engell,
Thanks for reaching out about this. Yes, it is possible to recover and restore accidentally-deleted flows. We’ve started the process to restore yours and will email you once completed.
If this happens in the future for others or yourself, you can email us at help@parabola.io with:
- Name/title of deleted flow
- Estimated time of day that you deleted the flow
- Link to the flow (if it was the flow’s steps that were accidentally deleted, while in the canvas builder mode)
Then we’ll be able to restore it.
Please note for security and privacy reasons, restored flows’ steps will need reauthorizing for any API configurations as well as previous collaborators needing re-invitations.
Thanks! It was “Billing Processes” about 1 hour ago.
Hi @anon36387498 @daniel @Adam_R ,
Same thing happened with me just 2 minutes ago (6:59 UTC), I mistakenly deleted a flow, the name of the flow was:
Sorok hozzáad - copy.
The link: https://parabola.io/app/flow/Yy1L7LjB2z/published
Could you please restore that flow?
Hi @Andras,
Absolutely! I’ve restored the flow back into your account. It should be titled [Restored] Sorok hozzáad - copy.
Let me know if that looks good on your end.
Wow… hhhhhhhh, such a relief…
Thanks so much. So much work with that flow already. I will keep on testing.
Thank you!!!
Hi @daniel,
Another question, is it possible that after parabola initiates a parsehub run, it only continues the flow when the parsehub run is ready? Could it be done by using the webhooks of parsehub?
This webhook sends a post request when the parsehub run is ready:
I would need to set an url for the webhook (I suppose parabola.io with the flow url?)
Which step would be needed for the webhook to be seen by parabola and carry on the flow? Maybe ‘Enrich with an API’?
Thanks in advance,
Hi @Andras,
Good question. Parabola does have a Receive from webhook step that will provide you with a unique webhook URL.
If you can trigger a webhook from ParseHub after initiating a run, I might recommend breaking this up into 2 flows.
The first flow will initiate a ParseHub run and trigger a webhook. The second flow will catch your webhook data and process the remaining steps in your flow.
Let me know if that suggestion works!
Two questions/requests:
#1 - Can the deleted flows go into a trash where we can recover ourselves?
#2 - I accidentally deleted a flow because after i exited another flow, the order of flows changed because of last updated auto-sort, which changed the position of the flow i was intending to delete and caused me to delete the wrong one. For that reason, I think it’s best if it didn’t sort automatically and left it to the user to sort manually whenever they want to.