The better option is to have an Airtable where I can quickly add RSS urls and then have Parabola pull that feed for each row/RSS url by using the Enrich with API step.
This is the exact same RSS url, with the exact same parameters, as when I do it using the Pull from API step and I have the Enrich with API step connected to an input (a dummy input, not being used).
I can send screenshots of my set up for my Pull from API step vs. my Enrich with API step if that’s helpful.
Happy to look into this for you! To start, do you know the approximate size of the RSS feeds and if the JSON schema is consistent amongst the feeds?
If you could post your “Pull from API” and “Enrich with API steps”, that’d be great. Feel free to send us an email at if there’s any sensitive information.
And here’s my set up before my Enrich with API step, which pulls from Airtable and limits it to 1 row so that we can test if even one row can be enriched.
Lastly, here’s my Enrich with API step, where it doesn’t work:
These are RSS feeds from Upwork searches.
If I try another RSS feed, like the CNN RSS feed, it works: