Pull from API Error

I am pulling energy data from the EIA API. It provides a token and I can see the data in the Pull from API.

When I connect it to a Generate CSV, I get an error message the the API component that states: “Please fill out the required fields.” But its not obvious where this error is occuring in the API component.

Hi @Carl! Would you mind showing us the screenshot of the errored step (instead of the Pull from API step) so we can recommend how to adjust the step?


@Ayana_Usui , Here it is

Hi @Carl - Thank you for sending over that screenshot! It looks like the error message that you are seeing is potentially due to something in the step’s settings not being filled out completely. Could you please check the setting on the left side of the “Pull from EIA API” step and make sure that everything has been filled out? A good section to check would be the “Request Headers” or “Authentication” sections to see if there is an empty field that needs to be filled in.

If you’re still seeing this error after checking those settings and making any updates, could you please reach out to us at help@parabola.io and send us a link to the Flow where you’re seeing this happen?

@Emory_Stainbrook , I emailed helpdesk.