Merge Values with new line character

Hey All,

Im needing to merge a bunch of rows with a new line character, is there a way to do that?


Hi @Sam_Henry,

Currently we don’t support this use case, though it is on our roadmap to be added soon. We’ll be sure to update this thread once it is out. Thanks!

Hi @anon36387498 , has this use case been added to your product yet???

Hi @KLoic and @Sam_Henry,

This sounds like it should be possible with our “Merge Duplicate Rows” step. If you’d like to merge all rows into 1 row with a new line character as the delimiter, you can first insert a new text column with a static value so that you have a column to merge the data on.

If you want to add some logic to the merging, you can also use the “If/ Else” step to group the merging using rules.

Once you have your column containing values to merge on, you can combine the rows using the “Merge Duplicate Rows” step, using your new line character as the delimiter:

Let me know if this solves the use case that you’re working on!

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Thank you for your quick reply @Adam_R , from results’ screenshot, it doesn’t look like the merged column display the merged values with a new ligne (one on top of the other).


@KLoic No problem. My understanding was that you wanted to add a line break character, and then export the data to a data source where the line break character would actually cause the data to be on different lines. In Parabola, data will always be displayed on one line, and we do not have a ‘line break character’ of our own.

Where are you trying to export this data, and what exactly are you hoping to accomplish in your flow?

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Ok gotcha… Thanks again.