Is parabola internal server down?

Hi there,
parabola is not responding or showing internal server error messages when we try updating data into the flows today. We can not log out our account or reset the password. Can the parabola team advise what happened now?

Hi @Davie_Yeh

Thanks for reaching out. Our servers are currently up and running, and we haven’t received any other reported incidents of downtime.

Can you email us at and we can look into this further.


Nothing is saving in my account. This behavior has started now.

Hi @Guilherme_Hirsch and @Davie_Yeh,

We are seeing the issue now. It has been escalated to our engineering team. We’ll reply back to this thread as soon as possible once this has been addressed.

We appreciate your understanding.

It seems that here it returned to normal.

Hi everyone,

This issue should now be resolved. Please let us know if you notice anything else unusual and we can look into it.
