Hey guys
I’ve seen that there is the option of import an airtable table, but I can’t export to airtable. I guess I can do it with the feature Api export
I have to put this url https://api.airtable.com/v0/appxxxxxxx/yyy , but I don’t know what yyy refers to and then It give me this error
Hi Alex - Yep, that’s true. We don’t have an Airtable Export step yet, but we have many customers exporting to Airtable using the API Export step. Make sure to vote for this feature request for an Airtable Export: Export to Airtable
appxxx is your Airtable Base ID. If you haven’t found it yet, it should be available in the “Introduction” section of Airtable’s API docs.
yyy is the name of your table. For example, if my table is called Users, My URL would be https://api.airtable.com/v0/appxxx/Users/
From your screenshot, it looks like you already have Bearer Token selected from the Authentication dropdown. Just paste in your API Key in the Bearer Token field below.
If you need any other help setting up the export, give me a little more information about what you’re ultimately trying to do in Airtable (ex: create data, update data) and I can offer additional guidance!
Yep, if you look at the error you got back from the attempted export, it says:
"error": {
"message": "Could not find field \"fields\" in the request body",
When you’re creating new records, you’ll need to map out the fields you’d like updated in the Body of the API Export step. Your Body should look something like this:
"fields": {
"Airtable column name": "{matching Parabola column name}",
"Airtable column name 2": "{matching Parabola column name 2}",
"Airtable column name 3": "{matching Parabola column name 3}",
If you consult the API documentation from Airtable for your specific base and table, it should become clear what the expected Airtable column names are. Does that help?