Combining Order Items from Customers to a Separate Sheet


I’m currently trying to figure out how to combine individual items ordered from our Shopify site from an export into a table where it lists the name of the customer and every item they ordered.

This will help our fulfillment team with compiling orders and sending them out for customers.

For Example – this is how we were able to sort our information through Zapier. Any help would be great!

Hey Natalie!

Try using the Merge Values step - you can tell it to Merge the items column, and then tell it to create a unique column (group) per customer name.

That will give you each customer on a new row, with their items in a cell next to them.

@brian! Where would I tell the merge values step to create a unique column per customer name? I’m trying to find that right now!

Hi @Natalie_Burns - A flow like this can accomplish what you’re trying to do:

In my Pull from Shopify step, I’m pulling in my Orders with Line Item details.

Then, I used the Combine Column step to create a new column called “Customer Name”. Since Shopify uses two separate columns, Order: Customer: First Name and Order: Customer: Last Name, I decided that I preferred if First and Last Name was combined into a single column. (This step is totally optional and up to you!) If you’d like to do this too, make sure to click into Advanced Settings and put in a space in the Delimiter field. This will make sure there’s a space in between the first and last names.

Then, I use the Merge Values step and configured it like so:

You’ll see that in my example, I’m creating a unique row for each Order: Id and Customer Name. You can add more columns below, “Create a row for each unique value in…” based on the columns you want to be able to see in your output.

Of course, if you don’t get about the unique orders, but just a list of line items ordered by a particular customer, I recommend using Order: Customer: Id and Customer Name columns instead.

Let me know if you need any other help with this one!