API of digital EPDs - Create a list of Low Carbon Emission materials in Airtable


I want to build a workflow where I get data for building materials from EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) and send them to airtable and make my own list of the lowest carbon emission building materials.

Here is the main link to where the data is gathered:

I can access and download each building materials XML, CSV file or “view”. So is the API link simply the “view” button for each material? For example, asphalt:


How do I tell Parabola to gather all files (their are 100s or 1000s of them) or is it even possible to tell it only get certain files from the website with some sort of filter?

When I tried it myself I didnt get any valuable information out of the “View” link (API?).

Do you have a good tutorial that would help me get started with this project?


Best regards,


Hey @Alexander_landborn, welcome to the Parabola’s Community! :slight_smile:

You were on the right track with getting this pulled in with our API step, however the link on this site doesn’t have a .csv ending so we aren’t able to get the file this way.

If theres a way for you to pull these into a CSV/excel file, then from there it can be uploaded to your Flow using the Use CSV file step.

Another method would be if they have an API setup. I’ve also taken a look at the site you mentioned and seems like there isn’t a public API document. If you’d like to try this approach, we recommend reaching out to epd-norway to see if this can be shared with you!

Let us know if you need any additional help getting your Flow set up. Happy Building!