Website Live ChatBox

Hello friends.
When I first started with Parabola they had a live chatbox build into their website whereby we could ask questions. That no longer appears to be the case. Does anyone know what is the best way to get a live agent or support to help troubleshoot a flow?

Hello @emiliofcastillo! The live chatbox should still be available, though I’ll take a further look into why it isn’t appearing currently for your device. In the meantime we’re happy to help troubleshoot a flow and can be contacted at :slight_smile:

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Thank you @anon36387498.

I have a text column with a date like this: “Dec 1st, 2020”

I want convert it to an actual date column for the purposes of sorting that column sequentially by date. At present, when I sort it, it sorts alphabetically by the first letter of the month…how can I sort this column by date?

Hi Emilio :wave:

I just sent you an email outlining how to set this up, but I wanted to close the loop here in case anyone has a similar question.

Using a Format dates step, we can convert your current date format into a Unix format. Once that’s converted, we can use a Sort rows step to sort the dates. Your formatting rules should look like this.

Starting Format - Dec 1st, 2020

New Format - 1606780800

After sorting your column in ASC or DESC order, we can convert them back into a readable format like this:

Starting Format - 1606780800

New Format - Dec 1st, 2020

Hope that helps!


Hi Daniel. I’ve followed those instructions and the new column is blank… Can you see where I’m going wrong?

Hi @Mark_Berry - It looks like the step isn’t able to auto-detect that starting date format. You should be able to enter the following in the text field under the dropdown in that section for the starting format:


Let me know if you have any questions!

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