I have a table with 34 columns, one of them has content in JSON format that I’d like to expand into their own columns.
The JSON data in the column looks like this:
"location": {
"country": "United States",
"city": "Atlanta"
"members": ["2222222", "333333", "444444"],
"pubSites": ["aaaaaaaaa", "bbbbbbbbb", "ccccccccc"],
"purchased": false,
"_id": "565ca23e23237c587a3",
"createdOn": "2015-11-30T20:03:20.232Z",
"failedCharges": 0,
"name": "Joe Doe",
"owner": "5510c332e423c78f20f",
"slug": "Joe-Doe",
"website": "www.joedoe.com",
"profileImg": "https://uploads.domain.com/23242342/5cf7f8800492323230a0_Logomark_RGB_Small.jpg",
"about": "We create digital products customers love."
However the Expand JSON step is not expanding the content. I get an N/A on the selector to pick the dataset.
Am I missing anything? Is there a better way to tell Parabola to expand that specific column?