If you used a step to merge duplicates together to get to the table that you posted, then the following will work:
Instead of merging the duplicates, use the Sum Values step to sum duplicates!
Add a Sum Values step to your flow, and then tell it to Sum the ga:pageviews column, and group it by whichever column you want to use as your duplicate checking column - maybe ga:pageTitle or ga:pagePath or you can use both!
That step will create the same output as you posted, but instead of the page views merged together, they are summed!
I found this solution easier but I noticed that I can’t have another column without it being checked for duplicates. Is there a way to get around this?
Hi @Charity_De_La_Cruz - Yep, there is a way to workaround it. You’ll most likely need to use another Join step to join the results of the Sum Values step with the other column(s) you want in the table.
Can you reply back with the some screenshots of the columns of data you’re trying to join back with the results of the Sum Values step?
Got it. Before joining the ga:pagePath and ga:pageviews back, use a Column Filter step to filter that branch to just ga:pageTitle and ga:pagePath. Use a Dedupe step to make sure you only have unique rows.
Once you do that, you can join in with the results of your Sum Values step and it should successfully attach the ga:pagePath column without creating any additional rows.