CSV to Database table

How can I take a standard csv (row/column) and “flatten” it so it’s just rows? Can Parabola do this? Seems like I’m just missing that function. Thx.

Hi @Mark_Smillie - Yes, Parabola can likely do this - but can I clarify with you on what you mean by flattening it so it’s just rows?

Would you like to merge across columns to create 1 column with many rows, or would you like to merge all of your data (column and cells) into a single cell?

Sachi, thanks. Here’s what i mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUXJLzqlEPk

Hey, I figured it out with “unpivot columns” . Thanks. You can close this ticket.

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Thanks for the video, and thanks for following up. Glad to hear it!