Hello again Parabola Community! Please allow me to apologize in advance as I’ve only been using Parabola for about a week and I’m still very inexperienced with API calls. I’m trying to “Create New Products and Default SKU” to Webflow using data from Airtable. (Webflow API Page: Webflow API and Documentation | Webflow) Using the Webflow API page I’ve discovered the example request and reformatted it to the best of my ability to fit my needs:
“product”: {
“fields”: {
“name”: “Cloak Of Invisibility”,
“slug”: “cloak-of-invisibility”,
“sku-properties”: [
“id”: null,
“name”: “Color”,
“enum”: [
“id”: null,
“name”: “Obsidian Black”,
“slug”: “obsidian-black”
“id”: null,
“name”: “Smoke Grey”,
“slug”: “smoke-grey”
“id”: null,
“name”: “Forest Green”,
“slug”: “forest-green”
“description”: “A cloak that renders the wearer invisible to the eye.”,
“shippable”: true,
“_archived”: false,
“_draft”: false
“sku”: {
“fields”: {
“name”: “Cloak Of Invisibility Color: Obsidian Black”,
“slug”: “cloak-of-invisibility-color-obsidian-black”,
“product”: “5e8518516e147040726cc415”,
“sku-values”: {},
“main-image”: “https://d1otoma47x30pg.cloudfront.net/5e8402eb8a402e354bd469bb/5e8512181ae993035b15f315_external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg”,
“more-images”: [
“price”: {
“unit”: “USD”,
“value”: 120000
“download-files”: [
“id”: null,
“name”: “The modern web design process - Webflow Ebook.pdf”,
“url”: “https://dropbox.com/files/modern-web-design-process.pdf”
“width”: 56,
“length”: 0.3,
“height”: 72,
“weight”: 24,
“_archived”: false,
“_draft”: false
Here’s my body code from the API-Export Panel of Parabola:
“product”: {
“fields”: {
“name”: “{at_Product Names}”,
“slug”: “{Product Handle}”,
“description”: “{Product Description}”,
“inventoryType”: “finite”,
“quantity”:“{at_Variant Inventory}”,
“category”:“{WF Category ID}”,
“out-of-stock”:“{at_Out Of Stock}”,
“section-display-name”:“{at_Section Ranking}”,
“section-display-name-2”:“{at_Section Display Name}”,
“which-party”:“{wf_mParty_id (from Party Events)}”,
“shippable”:{Requires Shipping},
“_archived”: false,
“_draft”: false
“sku”: {
“fields”: {
“name”: “{at_Product Names}”,
“slug”: “{Product Handle}”,
“sku-values”: {},
“price”: {
“unit”: “USD”,
“value”:“{at_Variant Price}”,
“_archived”: false,
“_draft”: false
As you can see, I’m not using all of the fields. You’ll also notice that there’s a few variables - those come from Airtable. I was getting 400 errors previously, saying things such as “this field (slug) is required”, to which I would correct. But after getting the fields to match, I’m now receiving the following error message:
“code”: 400,
“err”: “BadRequestError: Request is malformed: Value (product.fields.slug) should match pattern "[1][-_a-zA-Z0-9]$"",
“errorEnum”: “BadRequest”,
“meta”: {
“code”: “BadRequest”,
“details”: [
“params”: {
“pattern”: "[2][-_a-zA-Z0-9]$”
“path”: “.product.fields.slug”,
“type”: “pattern”
“msg”: “Request is malformed: Value (product.fields.slug) should match pattern "[3][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$"”,
“name”: “BadRequestError”,
“path”: “/sites/5ecef3bb61ddd359a6d02fd1/products/”
It looks to me like this bit of code, “msg”: “Request is malformed: Value (product.fields.slug) should match pattern "[4][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$"”, is my problem, but this looks like actual alien text and I have no idea what it means. Does anyone know why I’m receiving this error message, and what I can do to solve it? Please let me know if there is anything else that I can provide. Thanks a lot!