Is there a feature or workaround to convert a weight format to another?
For example. I have a column that the weight is expressed as 2 lb 5.00 oz. I require these values to be formatted to 2.3125?
Is there a feature or workaround to convert a weight format to another?
For example. I have a column that the weight is expressed as 2 lb 5.00 oz. I require these values to be formatted to 2.3125?
Hi @Dang_Thai!
The only way I am aware of for your specific request would be a workaround of using a few steps, including the Math step.
The video linked below walks through the process, and I’ve shared a snippet you can copy and paste to add your flow. You may need to make slight alterations to the steps’ settings, but this should help nonetheless!
Hope this helps!